Saturday, September 27, 2008

Growing boy!!

I can't believe how much Samuel has changed already! He's much more alert, we've been seeing his pretty eyes a lot lately. Jolly's cousins Heather and Corrie came to visit this weekend with their little girls Jenna, Sophie and Susannah. Jolly and Heather were born three months apart, and now their kids are three months apart, too! Susannah was born in July - she is the smiliest most beautiful baby you've ever seen. Katie and Ryan came over for breakfast with everyone and Katie took some great photos of all four little cousins. Jolly's grandmother is going to be beside herself to have pictures of ALL her great grandchildren together! I'll post some when she gets them processed. Samuel continues to be such a blessing and a joy - even though he shows us the power of his lungs a little more these days :O) What can I say, he is a strong healthy boy - just what I prayed for!!
Bathtime fun! He loves it :O)
Snuggling with cousin Susannah Grace - they are too cute!!

3 Weeks old, looking like Dad's baby pictures

1 comment:

Nicole Roloff said...

cherie, how are you??? he's just so beautiful. i'm absolutely dying to see him again. katie said something about tue. night?? i'd love it if that works out. we missed you at ollie's party but TOTALLY understand, would have been horrified if sam got sick. you look so beautiful in your birthday pics, just a precious family, you three . . .