Friday, March 6, 2009

Happy Half-Birthday Samuel!!

Samuel is six months old today!! Here are some pics of him in his big boy seat at the table. He's holding (and eating) a number 6. Some of his milestones are - he can sit up by himself for a while, he sleeps through the night (YAY), he is eating bananas, apples, pears, sweet potatoes and avacados, he loves peek a boo and bathtime, he can roll from his stomach to his back, he gets up on all fours for a little while but still doesn't love being on his stomach, he still likes to see new faces - very generous with smiles. We love you, buddy!

1 comment:

Cindy said...

Happy Birthday Sweet Samuel.
I was so close in Denver on your birthday. I was helping Corrie with the girls while she spent everyday in the hospital.
Love you guys