Monday, August 25, 2008

Baby Update

A few things of interest:

1. We decided to name the baby Jolly Samuel Johnson Jr. - we'll call him Samuel as long as he'll let us :O)

2. As of Saturday, baby is considered full term!!

3. The doctor said she doesn't expect me to make it to my due date - I am 2 cm dilated and 70% effaced.

4. The nursery is finished, and I would love to post pictures - but I can't find the camera :O(

5. Can't wait to introduce you to little Samuel.


LilyWhite said...

OMG--so exciting! I cannot believe that you're this close already. Time flies, I guess. I was thinking about that last night, too, as I am now one of the girls in my water aerobics class who needs to "take it easy", since I'm getting closer and closer to the big day.

I love the name, too--he already sounds like a sweetie.

Unknown said...

I love you cherie and jolly! I can't wait to meet little samuel too!! I know you are going to be the best and most caring parents in the world. Little Samuel is so blessed to be on his way to you!
Love you,

Unknown said...

Thank you for the facebook message. I can't seem to reply; it's not letting me. Congrats on your upcoming sweetie. You look great, and I'm sure you're going to shine as a mommy. Best wishes and God bless!